Medora – Gender-sensitive healthcare
The gender data gap in medical research is a challenge and an important problem. In the past, the healthcare of women have often been overlooked or inadequately addressed in medical research and practice.

In response to this challenge, Medora, a system for gender-sensitive healthcare, was developed in collaboration with the BARMER health insurance company. Medora uses the collection and analysis of gender-specific health data to ensure fairer and more accurate medical care.
Explanation video
Analysis with AI
Medora integrates data from wearables, apps and special biomarker dispensing stations in pharmacies to create individual health profiles. Medora's AI recognizes patterns and anomalies in this data, which are crucial for the early detection and prevention of diseases. The integration of this data into the electronic health record (ePA) provides a comprehensive overview of the user's health status.
Data networking
The popularity of health apps and wearables highlights the increasing importance of digital tools for health monitoring. Medora uses this data for a personalized analysis of women's health, including symptoms that cannot be measured directly, such as pain or psychological complaints. In addition, Medora incorporates data from the cycle tracking app to provide insights into menstrual health and its impact on overall wellbeing.
Innovative data collection
Smart toilets and sensor technologies in pharmacies enable the easy collection of samples such as urine, saliva or menstrual blood via period products. This innovative data collection enables comprehensive and preventive healthcare, especially for women.
Contribution to research
Users can choose whether and to what extent they wish to pass on their data for research purposes and thus contribute to the development of more effective diagnostic and treatment methods.
Personalized support
After the analysis, Medora provides specific recommendations and enables a seamless connection to specialists. The integration of the ePA considerably simplifies the diagnosis and treatment processes.
Medora supports doctors through efficient data analysis and promotes early detection and prevention. This leads to optimized treatment plans, cost savings and better healthcare for women.
The Medora project demonstrates how strategic and UX design can shape gender-sensitive healthcare that addresses the specific needs of women. Through the innovative use of technology and data, including data from the cycle tracking app, Medora is helping to close the gender data gap in medical research and improve healthcare for all genders.
Analytical design project in the second Master's semester 2023/24 (Strategic Design)

Project partners: Celine Tappert, Rosa Heinemann, Marla Wagner

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